Sunday, July 17, 2011


Taxes are the end all be all of profit. If taxes were nowhere to be found we would have much higher profit ratings then we do right now. This is because when taxes are involved in a market the government takes money from the consumer and the producer surplus. This basically means that the company that makes the product is excepting a lower price return and the consumer is excepting a higher price that they will pay for the product. On the other Hand taxes in fact do something to help everyone. They pay for the streets we drive on, the public parks we have, the people that clean the litter from the road, and of course for the protection of our nation. But again the tax bracket system we have can't just be straight forward it has to be confusing. We all don't pay the same percentage of income to taxes. And we pay for things that we might not even know exist of use ever. Why is this? I have no idea.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

game theory

John Nash created game theory. In game theory there is a certain game called the prisoner's dilemma. It is a dilemma that indicates that two people faced with the same decision might not cooperate even if it is in the best interest for both parties. The example in class was something like there is 2 people charged with a crime and they both go into separate interrogation rooms. If they both confess to the crime they will get 3 years each. If number 1 confesses and #2 doesn't then #1 will get 1 year and #2 will receive a 10 year sentence and vice versa. If they both do not confess they will both receive 2 years. The Nash equilibrium is for both of them to confess. This is because neither one knows what the other is going to do. If they did know what the other was doing they would both not confess and take the lesser sentence. But since they don't the only thing they can do is try to get their own sentence lowered. I couldn't even imagine being in that situation and the brutal headache i would get trying to figure out what to do and what the other person might do. In all honesty i would confess and sell the other guy down the river.

Sunday, July 3, 2011


Monopolies are rare to find nowadays. One example i can think of is major league baseball. There is nothing like it at all in the nation. No other form of professional baseball at all (unless you count the minor league affiliates as professionals because they get paid). Why is there nothing to compete with it. I mean there is other forms of pro football other than the NFL like arena football. Why is there no other option other option in the professional area for america's past time. I think its because of one of the rules or characteristics of a monopoly which is barriers to entry. MLB has been around for so long and has so much money that for someone else to even try the MLB would just either by them out of wait for them to fail because it wouldn't take too long. Or maybe its because society doesn't want more pro baseball and the one organization is filling societies demand for it. I would like a pro winter baseball season so I could watch it all year round instead of just half the year.