Sunday, July 17, 2011


Taxes are the end all be all of profit. If taxes were nowhere to be found we would have much higher profit ratings then we do right now. This is because when taxes are involved in a market the government takes money from the consumer and the producer surplus. This basically means that the company that makes the product is excepting a lower price return and the consumer is excepting a higher price that they will pay for the product. On the other Hand taxes in fact do something to help everyone. They pay for the streets we drive on, the public parks we have, the people that clean the litter from the road, and of course for the protection of our nation. But again the tax bracket system we have can't just be straight forward it has to be confusing. We all don't pay the same percentage of income to taxes. And we pay for things that we might not even know exist of use ever. Why is this? I have no idea.

1 comment:

  1. A lot of people complain about taxes but i think its because they don't really know where and how their money is being used. If they thought about how the roads, street signs and building would look with no tax money to fix and how their cars would need new tires and shocks due to the roads being so bad and filled with cracks and holes i think they would not complain as much and appreciate one of the few things the government does ok.
